L-L-Looking for a Story?

Sarajevo Februar 1996, 2 Monate nach Unterzeichnung des Daytoner Vertrags

Pressezentrum im Holiday Inn Hotel

in kürze: >>> Holiday Inn Stand 2010

>>> Text: Matratzengärten
>>> Anreise Split, Mostar, Neretva
>>> 1996-Kultur
>>> Are you missing the story?: Holiday Inn und Pressezentrum
>>> Matratzengärten Öfen Menschen
>>> Pateiversammlung SDA
>>> Flughafen, Ilidza, Abreise

© Sibylle Hofter / Agentur Schwimmer

Sarajevo february 1996, 2 months after the dayton

press centre Holiday Inn Hotel

soon: >>> Holiday Inn state 2010

>>> text: Matratzengärten (german)
>>> travels Split, Mostar, Neretva
>>> 1996-Kultur
>>> are you missing the story?: Holiday Inn and press centre
>>> matrass gardens stoves and people
>>> SDA party meeting
>>> airport, Ilidza, travels
>>> Übersicht Bildagentur Schwimmer
>>> Start
>>> overview Schwimmer image agency
>>> home
Holiday Inn and Unis towers (architect, both: Ivan Straus)
As I was told in summer 2010 by employees still working in Holiday Inn the hotel was press centre from the very beginning.
placards in press centre in Holiday Inn   phone booths in the undergound passage to the briefing room Martin Potthoff / Cityscope in a really expensive room facing the courtyard. the seats haven´t been replaced since 2010, actually the are cream-coloured. there was hardly any pane in the city which hadn´t been replaced by unhcr sheet plastic. not only thermic insulation was inefficiant but using the inside spaces felt allways being outside, there was no difference of a sound being indoor or outdoor. quite few bubs were still working in the 8-storey high hall view from abandoned roomes facing snaipers alley towardsthe national museum (portraits of the complete staff see "culture". facing the parliament building the main entrance facing west hadn´t been in use for 4 years.